Personal, Social and Health Education or PSHE helps children to stay safe, keep healthy and prepare for life's challenges and opportunities. Topics include healthy eating, anti-bullying, digital safety and preparing for changes/ transitions. There are lots of links made to other subjects including science and computing.
We use the Cambridgeshire Primary Personal Development Programme to support the teaching and learning of PSHE across school. Find out more here.
You can download the schools Curriculum Document for PSHE. It explains the topics and key learning that children in each year group will cover. Please speak to class teachers if you would like more information or a copy of the planning for any of the units of learning.
Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) is a key part of the PSHE curriculum and there are units of learning in Year 1 and Year 2. Click on the links to see the detailed plans for these units:
In all year groups we teach 'the pants rule' in an age appropriate way. Look at the NSPCC website for more information and resources that you could also use at home.
Our Relationship Education (including sex education) Policy, can be found on the policies page of our website.