Brewster Avenue
Infant & Nursery School
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Forthcoming dates

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On behalf of the children, staff and Governors I would like to welcome you to the Brewster Avenue Infant and Nursery School website.

Our school motto is “Learning together, growing together” and our primary aim is to work together to ensure every pupil achieves and learns to their potential in all areas of school life, within a happy, secure, exciting and challenging environment. We value a broad and balanced education and ensure that all children access not only academic, but creative and physical areas of the curriculum both within the school building and outside in our fantastic grounds.

We believe in the importance of every child and adult who enters our school and want all those who are a part of our school community to feel valued, happy and respected and to recognise their role in developing and improving our school.

We have a fantastic team: children who enjoy their learning and behave well; staff who guide the children to be good learners and make progress through a creative curriculum; governors who help lead and manage the school strategically; and parents and carers who support their children and the school.

I hope that as you read our school website you will gain a sense of the value that we place in each child and our desire to ensure achievement remains high within a caring and happy community.

If you have any questions or would like to visit the school, please do not hesitate to contact me via the school office.

Yours sincerely

Miss Becky Thompson
